Pioneers in 360 degree photography and video
Since entering the panoramic photography space in the 1990's, Bellissimo, Inc. ('s parent) has been a pioneer in this field. Bellissimo was founded in 1990, as a tech incubator, with several successful enterprises under its advisement.Now, in 2022, with the explosion of mobile devices, stitching software, and decamegapixel cameras, 360 degree photography is booming once again. More home runs are sure to follow.

Recently, we have been fortunate enough to advise Freezify through its beta program, and launch of its iPhone app. Freezify revolutionizes photography, making still photos appear tired and stale. Freezify introduces interactive photography to the world, with incredible content to follow. The Freezify app also allows for quick and easy panoramic photos, as well as 360 degree object photos. The Freezify app displaces the 0-360 Panoramic Optic™ as the "fastest, easiest panoramic photo system on the planet". If you have not tried Freezify, download it at the App Store. It is free, and sure to delight.
What's next? If you have an idea for a new product, or would like to see your favorite product featured at, drop us a note. Together, we can turn your plodder into a unicorn!
We have several new product ideas in development. Stay tuned for cutting edge products, not only in the 360 photography space, but other mathematics-intensive fields.
The insanely great mathematics that brought forth the 0-360 Panoramic Optic™ has been applied to the finance and investing world, making possible, now in its 17th year! CrystalBull®, another Bellissimo company, is seeking to build the world's best stock market indicator. The models continue to amaze. If you are interested in the gyrations of the stock market, be sure to check out CrystalBull:
Be sure to check out their Book Recommendations for Investing, the Stock Market, and Life!
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